Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Long Way Around

The Past, Present, and Future: The Path To Law School

I like to write with a theme in mind. For the past few months I have been focused on taking the LSAT exam for Law School so focusing on other topics has not been easy. Let's start with where we left off and move on from there through my stream of consciousness.

Ireland was an amazing experience. Heather and I made it across the country and made the most out of every moment we shared. We ventured through Dublin, Waterford, Galway, Killarney, Blarney, and every road along the way. Our rental car was a Fiat, the model being the "Panda". It was very, very tiny. Combined with the fact that it was also a stick shift, that we had to drive on the opposite side of the road, and that I was driving from the passenger seat made the trip even more interesting. I got used to it by Day 3.

Driving there reminded me of The Shire from Lord of the Rings. It was so incredibly green everywhere we looked. The countryside is littered with farmland, cows, sheep and little homes. It was like a beautiful painting. Once in a while we would spot a castle along the way to our next destination, some bigger than others, stationed upon a lakeside or a hilltop. Too bad we didn't see any knights on horseback roaming the land. One day, I'm sure we will travel there again. I would even consider living there.

Next year, my family, Heather, and I are planning to go to Italy. Prosciutto, wine, history, religion, and good times await us. My parents and I are taking an Italian language class on Tuesday nights. It's sinking in a little.

It's been a few weeks now since I've taken the LSAT test so I'm feeling a bit more refreshed. I'm focusing on applying to different law schools and awaiting my score. I put so much effort into studying that now that I'm finished, I find myself unsure of how to spend my free time. We are slowly but surely writing and filming "Going Nowhere" which only gets better with each occasion we meet up. I'm also thinking a lot about the past and what the future holds in store.

When I first got out of school in 2009 I was very bitter about not being able to get a job in my field. Here I was fresh out of Stony Brook with my Masters Degree with no form of employment. The problem was that the economy had collapsed under George W. Bush at the end of his glorious term, resulting in a hiring freeze in the field of politics. No work for the everyday Master of Arts in Public Policy graduate any longer. What's a guy like me to do?

I tried to make it in other ways.

I started my own business selling posters while delivering pizzas, serving coffee, and acting in various theatre groups. I love acting and enjoyed every moment with SOS but I was killing myself with all those jobs while making very little money. That didn't work.

Then I started selling merchant services to businesses with my cousins. Of course, just like the economy, here was another situation where the business and credit card processing industry as a whole had been much more profitable just a few years earlier. I worked as hard as I possibly could. My time there ended with mixed results. I was still making very little money but gaining residual pay for the accounts I brought on.

Finally, I wound up at Bob's Discount Furniture as a sales associate. This is the most profitable position I have ever held in the workforce. I've been there for five months now and have enjoyed my job as well as the people I work with. I have been successful with a lot of hard work.

A few months in I was struck with a revelation. I've worked so hard on my education that the fact that I could have been doing what I'm currently doing right out of High School is blowing my mind. No position I have ever had has required so much as a Bachelors Degree, yet I have a Masters Degree. I realized that since I'm working hard anyway, I might as well work hard and make the amount of money that I feel I deserve. The time has come to implement a new plan for my life and career. Hence, the LSAT.

When I was a kid I wanted to become a lawyer. Even at a young age, I tended to think things through in the world with logic. I couldn't understand why kids would bully other kids, especially since there would be no apparent instigation, just a seemingly obvious desire to make another person feel bad. It just made no sense to me. I couldn't wait to grow up and be able to deal with people on a more sensible level. I thought that being a lawyer would be the best way to help people through facts and reasoning. Well, somewhere along the way I got sidetracked.

Ironically, had I stayed the course I originally envisioned I would be in my second year of work as a lawyer. Instead I followed other dreams and ambitions of mine. I won't say that my other goals ended in failure, only that I don't have the means to complete them. Risks, investments, and time are what is needed to be successful in business or as an actor/producer. You can't have those things unless you are willing to take a chance or if you have some insider helping you penetrate those fields.

As a lawyer, I will lay down the foundation to be successful in all facets of life. My family, my career, and my dreams. I want to forge a legacy that can be carried on for generations. Someday I will become a film producer and start my own company geared towards people that have the desire and will to be successful. Maybe I'll even start my own brewery. Or perhaps I will love being a lawyer so much that I'll start my own practice. My cousin and I may even start up a delicious burger joint.

See, I want to do lots of things but I finally realized the most direct path to everything I desire is the one I have been avoiding this entire time. I don't know why I didn't see it before, but I do now. I've always held the key within. The path won't be easy, but at least I'm used to working hard at this point in my life.

I find out my score on October 31st, 2012. I'm ready for this.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Land Of Éire

Dublin, Galway, Killarney

Two days from now I'll be up in the sky with Heather flying over the Atlantic Ocean to the ancestral home of our fore-bearers. Ireland! We both have family that made the long journey across the sea centuries ago from the Emerald Island. We are so excited.

Did I pack everything?! I think so. I hate forgetting stuff. This time I'm feeling pretty confident though even though half my luggage isn't even in my suitcase. Silly me decided it would be a good idea to work the day before we leave so I still have work tomorrow from 1-10.

We are flying Sunday evening from New York and will arrive in Dublin early Monday morning after a brief stop in London. I really hope we can sleep on the plane and that we don't have some giant person sitting next to us. Last time I went to Europe I was in the middle seat of the middle row of the plane. By hour number six, I was going stir crazy.

Dublin: Our first stop will be..... Guiness baby! Heather and I will be drinking lots of this (whether she likes it or not) because one must drink lots of Guiness in Ireland, especially Dublin. With classic Irish music pub tours and the awesomeness that awaits, needless to say we are psyched for Dublin.

Waterford Crystal is next since we received a free excursion there. Hopefully we can check out some caves or something really cool. Waterford is near the water so maybe we can grab some seafood on the southern coast of Ireland while we are in town.

Galway: That is next location on our trek across the country. We aren't sure of too many notable experiences people have had in Galway but I'm sure we will find some amazing sights. The cliffs of Moher are supposedly a must see and we are lucky enough to have a rental car revved up for us for the duration of the trip.

Killarney: The final city we get to set up camp in before our departure. Dingle is close to Killarney and they say that's a pretty cool village on the west coast. Then of course, the Blarney Castle. I hope we see lots of castles on our way. I want to try every strange food and drink that I can. Heather said there is lamb on almost every menu there. Mmmmmmmmm..... lamb.

So wish us luck on our epic journey through Ireland!

Also, I was just thinking. What a strange name for a country right? Ireland. The Land of Ire. So I looked it up.

 "The 'Ire' in Ireland comes from the name for Ireland in Irish (Gaelic): Éire (pronounced air-eh). This in turn comes from Ériu (air-ruh), a pre-Christian Mother Goddess worshiped widely across ancient Ireland." -
Thanks for clearing that up for us Domhnall! Maybe we'll see you there.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Going Somewhere With Going Nowhere

A Bit Of History, Progression, Motivation, and Execution.

Everyone has ideas because they are easy to come by. The challenge is to have the drive, patience, and discipline to allow them to thrive. It's a wonderful feeling when a particularly great idea begins to take shape and starts to evolve. When that idea undergoes a metamorphoses and becomes something you can hold in your hand, a sense of accomplishment is realized. Today I felt that whilst a great idea we have been working on for years continued it's journey to becoming a reality.

A Bit Of History: Several years ago, Xavier Rodney came up with the idea for a web series. It would be called Going Nowhere, a comedy about three lifelong friends struggling to make ends meet while going to school and working a bunch of dead-end jobs. A first draft was written for Episode 1 and talk began of casting and filming. However, due to school, jobs, and lack of time, years went by before the parts would be cast and the cameras would roll.

Little did Xavier know that eventually, his idea would be embraced by dozens of friends who would be determined to see it through. Once we all realized the potential this web series had, the original concept evolved into something none of us, especially Xavier, could have dreamed of. An epic tale of friendship, betrayal, battles, death, superheroes, and more epic was woven into story that blew our minds. Characters were added, scenes were written, new cameras and sound equipment were purchased, and an overarching chronicle was created that could give the series enough endurance to sustain itself for years.

Finally, the lights blared, the cameras rolled, and the action commenced.

Progression: Today is the fourth time in eight days that the cast/crew of Going Nowhere has filmed the series we can only summarize as an "Epic Superhero Comedy". This past week has been a lot of fun and the whole team has been working extremely diligently. Dan, Matt, and Natalie have lent us their apartment in Queens to use as the home of Ken and Chops, which is where the majority of the episodes take place. We've all been there for countless hours, shooting scene after scene as an ever increasing amount of material pours in from the writers (me being one of them).

I don't want to spoil any of the fun so I won't mention much more about the scenes, just that I'm feeling more and more confident everyday with a project that I have been dedicated to.

Motivation: Last Monday, I let the crew know some very big news that I knew would lead us to a breaking point. Since this project has been going on for so long and has been derailed so many times, I decided to light a fire under all of us. If we finish shooting and polishing episodes 1 through 6, I will buy the same camera that was used to shoot Captain America, the Canon 5D Mark II, along with an incredible rig. Yeah, the same camera that was used to shoot a move that grossed over 175 million dollars. I think it worked.

As I said earlier, today is the fourth time in eight days that the cast/crew of Going Nowhere has met. This camera will bring us to another level of cinematography. We will finally have the resources that I feel will project us into the big leagues. I can only hope that with a big enough following and a dedicated fan base that someone on a television network will give Going Nowhere a chance. Yes, I believe the show is that good.

Execution: It's really happening. Everyone is coming together with a new tenacity and is transforming this idea into something substantial, something to be proud of. Xavier's original idea has turned into an epic, unbelievable story that has allowed us to siphon creativity from every facet of our imaginations. Words can't describe how gracious we all are to him for allowing us to be a part of the process. Going Nowhere isn't just some web series to us, it's a metaphor for what we all want despite the irony in the title. We all want to go somewhere and we want the world to be excited while they watch our characters attempt to do just that.

Everyone has ideas and I'm happy to say that we are turning one into a reality.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The Headache, the End, and the Lesson. This is Day 2 of JUICED and I have decided to end this attempt at drinking nothing but fruit and vegetable juice for 10 days. Yes, I was all fired up yesterday and ready to go for it. However, it just wasn't meant to be. I mean, Indiana Jones had Sean Connery before they had Shia LeBeouf; not all ideas get better.

The Headache: Last night I slept from 8:30 PM to 9:30 AM (yeah, that's 13 hours) and still woke up with a terrible headache. I hoped that it would go away throughout the day but it only got worse. I continued to drink juice three separate times but the migraine only got worse. I've never had a migraine before and rarely get headaches. This felt like the worst hangover I ever had minus the nausea.

The End: I was at work and simply was not focused at all on my job. So, I folded my cards made my way over to Gyro Palace, which happens to be delicious by the way. Shortly after, the headache disappeared. Poof! Just like that and it was gone. I sat in the break room and ate the most delicious gyro of recent memory. I know it's only been two days but it felt amazing to eat real food.

The Lesson: The headache is what did me in, not the hunger or desire to eat real, solid food. My head was pounding when I would stand up and move from one side of my head to the other. I realized for the first time what it's like to have a migraine and now I can sympathize with anyone who chronically suffers from them. It was debilitating in a way that I was unable to perform at my job sufficiently. Aside from that I believe I could have held out on real food.

I understand that this was an incredibly short attempt at a new lifestyle but I will try to take something from it. I have the juicer now and felt great in the morning with fresh veggies and fruits so why not mix it into my current diet? Maybe I can juice instead of drink coffee in the morning. I felt invigorated and alive for several hours, plus it really tasted great.

So the 10 Day thing wasn't for me. It's okay.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


A realization, a conversation, and an immediate reaction have somehow led to my purchase of a Jack LaLanne Juicer as well as a 10 Day Challenge to only drink juiced vegetables and fruits. This won't be fast or easy; otherwise it wouldn't be very challenging.
The Realization: It began on July 30th at the Going Nowhere web series shoot in Queens while I watched myself on camera performing as Stanley Knight. I noticed my jawline, or lack thereof, and shook my head. How can I still not be thinner after all these years of trying to lose weight? I don't think I'm fat or anything, but I do know that there are plenty of 26 year old men and women who are in way better shape than I am. I don't eat fast food, I don't eat chips, fries, or soda. So what gives?

The Conversation: While my fellow Assistant Executive Producer, Vinny, and I drove home from the shoot, I asked him what he thought about the extra weight on camera. Well, we aren't in very good shape I guess. This led to us speaking about the Juice Guy. Apparently, a 307 pound Australian guy lost nearly 100 pounds by only drinking vegetable and fruit juice for 60 days. 60 DAYS!! So I start thinking hey, maybe this will work.

The Immediate (and somewhat crazy) Reaction: I bought a juicer last night after watching the Australian guy, Joe Cross' Documentary. He really did it for 60 days and someone else tried it for 10. Here is a guy who weighed nearly 75 pounds more than I do now and he was able to have enough discipline to do this. Why not me?

Today is Day 1 of this "Juice Fast". The morning started out alright and I made a mix of carrots, apples, cucumbers, and watermelon for breakfast. I made enough to take to work as well. By around 4, I started to get a headache and now, at 7:35, I'm feeling really out of it. I understand that my body is going into a sort of shock. I'm not hungry, but my body is confused as to why there is no solid meats, cheeses, or breads to break down. Well guess what body? Get used to it for the next 10 days!

I don't know how I'm going to feel or how much weight I will lose and keep off my body. I do know that writing this down will help me stay disciplined enough to avoid the temptation that will be around me nonstop. Will I do it for 10 whole days? Yes I will.

By the way, every glass of juice I have tried so far has been delicious.