A realization, a conversation, and an immediate reaction have somehow led to my purchase of a Jack LaLanne Juicer as well as a 10 Day Challenge to only drink juiced vegetables and fruits. This won't be fast or easy; otherwise it wouldn't be very challenging.
The Realization: It began on July 30th at the Going Nowhere web series shoot in Queens while I watched myself on camera performing as Stanley Knight. I noticed my jawline, or lack thereof, and shook my head. How can I still not be thinner after all these years of trying to lose weight? I don't think I'm fat or anything, but I do know that there are plenty of 26 year old men and women who are in way better shape than I am. I don't eat fast food, I don't eat chips, fries, or soda. So what gives?
The Conversation: While my fellow Assistant Executive Producer, Vinny, and I drove home from the shoot, I asked him what he thought about the extra weight on camera. Well, we aren't in very good shape I guess. This led to us speaking about the Juice Guy. Apparently, a 307 pound Australian guy lost nearly 100 pounds by only drinking vegetable and fruit juice for 60 days. 60 DAYS!! So I start thinking hey, maybe this will work.
The Immediate (and somewhat crazy) Reaction: I bought a juicer last night after watching the Australian guy, Joe Cross' Documentary. He really did it for 60 days and someone else tried it for 10. Here is a guy who weighed nearly 75 pounds more than I do now and he was able to have enough discipline to do this. Why not me?
Today is Day 1 of this "Juice Fast". The morning started out alright and I made a mix of carrots, apples, cucumbers, and watermelon for breakfast. I made enough to take to work as well. By around 4, I started to get a headache and now, at 7:35, I'm feeling really out of it. I understand that my body is going into a sort of shock. I'm not hungry, but my body is confused as to why there is no solid meats, cheeses, or breads to break down. Well guess what body? Get used to it for the next 10 days!
I don't know how I'm going to feel or how much weight I will lose and keep off my body. I do know that writing this down will help me stay disciplined enough to avoid the temptation that will be around me nonstop. Will I do it for 10 whole days? Yes I will.
By the way, every glass of juice I have tried so far has been delicious.